Visionary Wealth Revolution

Vision * Purpose * Prosperity

for Light Leaders & Visionaries

with Clare Roche


From every corner of the globe rises the antidote to panic and fear, uncertainty and despair.
We have been waiting too long, but Our. Time. Is. Now.
Join us and RISE.
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Welcome! You're in the right place if this is you:

Spirit-led leader

You're on fire with your own awakening & the evolution of the planet. You came for this time. You yearn for us to realise the highest potentials for earth & you’re ready to bring your part.

Sacred Wealth

You're here to be a sacred custodian of new conscious wealth. Your desires for prosperity go way beyond personal gain. Your money frequency needs to match the level of your vision - your soul purpose demands it.


You thrive on being fully supported to expand, but it's getting harder to find support that matches your luminary level. Only the highest frequency mentoring and community will unleash the fullness of your vision.

Radiant Foundations

It’s no longer okay to be overworked, under-healthy, or living an unbalanced life for the sake of your mission. Your next level vision must unfold from a foundation of radiance, joy, vitality and thriving.

"Visionary Wealth is a state of consciousness."

Clare Roche

"Visionary Wealth is a way of being."

Clare Roche

"Visionary Wealth is a radiant field."

Clare Roche

Adventure with Us

Meet Clare

Clare Roche is a mentor and journey-mate for visionaries and conscious leaders who know there is a higher way.

As Visionary Wealth Liberator, Clare frees conscious leaders to tap into the true flow of wealth needed to ignite visionary projects and blissful lives. She also supports those who have created significant wealth and are looking for spirit-led guidance in how to do the most good for the planet with their resources.

You want to shift the paradigm; create the unknown; elevate the world to a higher frequency and live a blissful life in the process. Clare will arrive into your life when your next level is calling - the next level of your vision, leadership and prosperity. Her energy is designed to help you leap thresholds.

Discover more about Clare

What People Are Saying

"I feel expanded since working with Clare, more fully myself and deeply connected to my own unique wisdom and what I’m here to do in the world ... a sense of crystal-clear clarity that I haven’t known before."

Nicola Humber
Leader of and Mentor to UNBOUND women. Author of 'Unbound'

"Clare is exceptionally gifted...I'm deeply grateful for our work together ... helped me to see and embody my power, expand my self belief and open up to greater levels of magic and joy. It's been completely life-changing."

Cathy Ballard
Transformation Coach, Spiritual Teacher & Healer

"Clare channels many multidimensional light beings and the information is clear, succinct and cuts right to the core of an issue ... It’s the highest vibration and purest channeling I have experienced. "

Joan Buckley
Spiritual Teacher

"Working with Clare has changed my life... I’m consistently making more than enough money in my business"

Carolina Bjork
Business Mentor

"She was able to create a space in which I felt completely safe and where I could surrender all my fears and doubts, and because of that, be able to take giant leaps in my expansion."

Sebastian Holmbäck
Visionary Designer

"This was a life-changing retreat for me. The energy was amazing and brought such high-level clarity for my next-level vision ... Clare is a brilliant intuitive facilitator - one of the most powerful I've encountered."

RĂ­onach Aiken
Visionary Visibility Mentor & Poetry Alchemist

"I am continually amazed at the miracles that unfold for me personally, spiritually and professionally in working with Clare ... my income has doubled."

Lori Leyden (PhD)
Transformational Healer, Spiritual Teacher & Humanitarian

Visionary Wealth, a note from Clare 
Visionary wealth is a state of consciousness, a field, a way of being. 
Visionary Wealth is not the vast accumulation of money by a few individuals based on the exploitation and disrespect of other beings or the planet. It is not about status or material things. 
Visionary Wealth brings balance and heals.
In Visionary Wealth, Light workers rise to become Light leaders because they have the self-knowing and mastery to be fully expressed in their soul gifts, and the consciousness, capacity and alignment to generate all the money and other resources they need to fully realise their purpose.
In Visionary Wealth, the already wealthy become radiant centres of Light, becoming deeply aware of who they are and why they are really here. They breathe life into visionary projects, changing the world for the better by choosing to invest and flow their money in deeply soul-aligned ways, and discover profound peace and meaning along the way.
Visionary Wealth Revolution is a rEVOLution, one based in LOVE. A peaceful, soulful evolution of wealth for the highest good of all.
It is a portal to a world that works for everyone.
Let's do it together.

Ready for Visionary Wealth Liberation?

Connect with us here to discover the possibilities of working with Clare, or to have her speak at your retreat or event.


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